Monday, January 12, 2009

Fun in the snow

I am so glad it was nice enough on Saturday that both kids got to go out and play in the freshly fallen snow. It was Ella's first experience to get all bundled up and check out the snow. As is of course the rule with small children and winter, it takes you twice as long to get them ready as they actually spend outside. But it was totally worth it. Poor Ella was just in Aidan's old boots that were too big for her, but really, how can such a tiny person walk around when you are bundled up that much anyway. So she just enjoyed standing in the snow, checking it out and getting rides around the backyard in the sled from Daddy. Aidan and Aaron had gone out a little before us and had a great time. FUN FUN FUN!

Look at my little bundled beauty!

"Don't worry Ella, I will help you!"

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love how Ella looks in her snow stuff. Very cute. What a big helper Aidan is. :) We went out for a little bit yesterday and oh did Hunter love it. Of course we had to go over to the park and down the slide a few times. To much snow though to get to a lot of stuff at the park. :)