Well, little man is a 1st grader now. We were much more calm about starting first grade than kindergarten. Much easier when you know a little about what to expect. Though Aidan did admit on the way over he was both excited and nervous.

We have heard good things about his teacher, which is always nice. She seems nice and has already had excellent communication through email, which we like. She will be having a baby sometime so hopefully they find a fabulous guest teacher during her maternity leave.
We have heard good things about his teacher, which is always nice. She seems nice and has already had excellent communication through email, which we like. She will be having a baby sometime so hopefully they find a fabulous guest teacher during her maternity leave.
Aidan came home with a few interesting details about his class. He has a boy with hearing difficulties so the teacher wears a microphone and the boy has a speaker on his desk so he can hear better. Aidan said, "Isn't technology wonderful!". He has 24 kids in his class, but one was missing on the first day because she was in the hospital, though he was not sure why.
He asked me if I remembered him telling me that a boy had pushed him down last year. I had not, though the boy's name did sound vaguely familiar. He said that boy was his teacher's son and that he was doing Kindergarten again this year. Interesting detail.
Before he got in his line to go into school he went over to give his Kindergarten teacher a hug. Mommy made him go over to say hi to her since he was a little nervous, but once he got close and Mrs. Swanson saw him and another Kindergarten friend her face lit up and so did Aidan's. He got over his shyness and went to give her a hug. We loved Mrs. Swanson last year and hope he can have her again next year as she has moved up to 2nd grade.
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